January ended with... oh, you know the pun is unavoidable.. a bang ;) I went to a play party which was miles beyond anything I'd gone to before, eye opening and amazing. I saw some things that intimidated and scared me a bit, and I saw some thing that left me
wanting. Several offers were made, most of them earlier in the night before I was comfortable enough to consider them. I needed time to breathe, acclimate. I went to the party intending not to play, and to go home to my own empty bed. To this end, I even made a point of not shaving my legs so that I wouldn't be tempted.
Why I actually thought that I could get through an event like that, with the things I knew I would see, without wanting to find someone to play with I'm not entirely sure. Luckily, a few weeks before the party I'd been to a Munch and met a bunch of the TNG members. I have this thing about not wanting to hook up with someone I've just met, though I occasionally slip I try to keep to it. Which makes the Munch relevant because I'd already noticed a couple of guys that looked like they might be fun to play with. One of them is in a monogamous relationship with an adorable lady.
The other, however, was present at the party and flirty. It was much preferred, after the blatant propositions that I'd felt a bit overwhelmed by earlier in the night, having someone take the time to flirt a bit before making suggestions. Well *smiles* a few suggestions were made but more in a teasing way that clearly didn't come with immediate expectations. People who noticed were very helpful in suggesting I should go home with him, which made it all the more amusing. No subtlety allowed here!
Toward the end of the night I was leaning against him as we talked about various random things, some about interests and flirtation, some about the usual getting to know each other type things. He commented about having a busy schedule with full time work and school, I decided to follow the unsubtle trend and tell him to let me know when he had time to fit me in. Later he opened an invisible planner and gave me a big smile "Oh look, my schedule just opened up!" I tossed a 'tell me yes or no' at my Roommate, who is a terrible conscience and encourages me to take the naughtier option every time. Course, I knew she would, and was just trying to get over a minor hangup about my fuzzy legs (Oh I whined about it, too... Damn stupid vanity).
Oddly enough, once he finally kissed me for the first time, I stopped caring about not having shaved!
As to the details, maybe I'll share them later. Lets just say that its confirmed that I truly am a pain slut, that I mark well even if it doesn't turn to bruises after all, and there is a point where I am able to get past my shyness about vocalizing and ask to be fucked. Also, I am capable of being quite noisy, though I'll still never be a screamer.
I will have to say that for an occasional thing, sharing a twin bed is fantastic. First of all, there's the thing where I can straddle him and the bed, with my feet on the floor... Better though, the constant awareness that comes from being that close. Delicious hours of teasing and dozing "No I'm not going to fuck you yet, go back to sleep" had me so wound up that I literally just needed to feel him inside me, then I was done and ready for another nap.
Sometimes I adore the strange way my brain works. Hours of play and orgasms, but I still need the feel of the cock to actually be content and satisfied with the experience. Orgasm denial doesn't appeal to me, because its counter productive. It is difficult for me to get off as it is, so getting me almost to that point and not letting me have it.. that just makes it so that I'm no longer able to cum no matter what you do or how much I'm enjoying myself. The better way to torture me is to give them to me during foreplay, oral, fingers, whatever.. Maybe even several... because each one has me even more keyed up and needy. Get me to the point of begging to be fucked, and say no. I'll call you a bastard, swear that I hate you, but the little emotional masochist that lives beside the pain slut in my heart... will be purring and pining for the next opportunity to play with you.
Speaking of which. I was informed earlier tonight via text message that I won't be coming home from this weekend's party thing, he'll be returning me the next evening. So I have high hopes of more stories to share in the near future ;)