02 October, 2008

Dolcett Girls

They were mentioned to me last night, and I find one thing about it incredibly amusing.

Years ago, when yahoo had its user created rooms still, there was one called "Kill Her Slowly" where people would play out scenarios of murder and extreme violence.

You'd think that someone there would've mentioned the Dolcett Girls, people who consider that sort of thing a fetish. Don't you think that would've come up there, of all places?

The most that ever came of it was someone once showing me one of the Dolcett pictures (which I can't seem to find to link at the moment.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would love to be someones dinner, I am a 58 year old crossdresser and have dressed as such since I was 6 years old and I do this 24/ 7. I would willing watch as you cut and put the meat hooks in me through by my ankles and feel it as you hoist me up spread and ready to be gutted. I want to be alive as you gut me and remove all my insides, then you cut off my arms, my head and leggs and shove a spit through my ass till it comes out what is left of my neck and once there you carry me over to the fire and cook me to medium rare and serve my meat up.