29 August, 2008


Charlie downed four straight shots of whiskey before she even stepped onto the dance floor, and kept a steady stream of it coming in her direction afterward. She had no clue how much she'd had already, couldn't even hazzard a guess... What she did know is that she was pressed up against the speaker, she could feel the music vibrating through her body. There was a guy trying to get freaky at her, but she shoved him off and went back to gyrating alone up against the speaker, a drink in one hand and the other pressed to the source of the vibrations as the song changed beneath her fingertips.

Her hair was all around her, the buttons of her shirt had popped and she wasn't wearing much but jeans and a bra, didn't care... She hadn't had nearly enough sensation yet, nor enough alcohol. Charlie fully intended to drink herself into unconsciousness, maybe even a coma... Could you do that all in one night? Maybe Tyler would have something for her to play with, or Evan... Something to make her forget everything... Somewhere on the dance floor, there had to be someone to play with, someone who'd take her into the back, pin her to a wall, fuck her into a coma... Something...

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